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Week 19 wrap: 24/7/22

Just when we were getting used to sunsets over the beaches (cue Powderfinger) we were back on the east coast for a week this week, having a bit of RnR with friends and family before we headed from Brissy to Perth on Friday.

Kate added a string to her bow this week in Bris, experiencing and mastering her first solo train trip on Monday with the assistance of Claire, cousin Meg and previous housemate Will. All went well, however buses are still yet to be conquered. While spending the week in the "big smoke" Kate took the chance to go to a live recording of a favourite podcast on Tuesday night - the Guilty Feminist – with friend Aurora. A fantastic night, especially seeing as the pair hadn’t seen each other since 2019 (thanks Covid).

There was also lots of cooking and baking involved in Kate's week as she took full advantage of having access to kitchens, making enough food to feed everyone 3 times over at a dinner party with some Brissy friends.

Claire spent the week with her parents in the Sunny Coast Hinterland, reunited with her beloved Maleny Dairies custard – one of the few foods she eats faster than snail pace. Maleny received a good 200ml in 2 days on Thursday and Friday… perfect days to be sitting in front of the fire!

We flew back to Perth on Friday night, with Claire dancing along in her seat to some Brett Eldredge music on the tarmac. Saturday night was ‘footy and pizza night’ in Perth at Claire’s aunty Jenny’s place – both tarmac dancing and football were enjoyed by Claire far more so than Kate!

On Sunday we headed out to the wheatbelt, running our Wyalkatchem Hoedown. Each town sticks in our mind for a different reason, and for Wylie, the V Step move where you have to yell ‘woop woop’ at the same time was truly unforgettable… the best woop woops of anywhere we’ve been to date! Claire was delighted to meet a fellow ‘Claire from Queensland’ on the night – if only she’d also been lefthanded that would have been a tick in every box!

This week, we’re running hoedowns at York on Thursday and Busselton on Sunday, please head along if you’re in the areas. Details on our events page.

Yours in bootscootin,

Kate and Claire.

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