The nuts and bolts
We're two 20-something country gals, Claire Harris and Kate Strong, and from March to December 2022 we hit the road and drove in excess of 45,000km, teaching line dancing to anyone, anywhere and raising money for rural charities along the way. Hoedowns were run in towns (mainly at pubs, halls and schools) based on request, and at existing events.
In our 273 days on the road, we travelled through 7 states, ran 75 events, raised $38,250 raised for charity, and did the Nutbush A LOT of times.
The reason
Those who believe they can turn their dreams into reality, are the ones who do. Travelling Australia line dancing is something we have wanted to do for a few years now, ever since the first day we met and became good friends at a line dancing barn in Toowoomba in mid-2018. With both our jobs requiring frequent rural travel, and with country connections all across Australia, we are all too aware of the importance of bringing rural communities together through ‘not to be missed’ events.
The main goals of our trip were to instill a love of line dancing in people right across the country, bring rural communities together after an incredibly tough few years, and raise money for rural charities. When teaching, anyone and everyone was invited to give boot-scootin’ a try, with FUN as the number one priority. For people who claimed to have two left feet, or left to be desired in the coordination department, that didn’t matter in the slightest. As long as people were together and having fun, that’s all that was important to us.
The route
We left South East Queensland in March 2022, driving in a roughly anticlockwise loop around the country, and finished up back in SEQ at the start of December 2022. The map to the right is a rough guide of our route. We were in each state at the following times
Qld: March-April
SA: April-May, and August-September
NT: May-June
WA: June-August
Vic: September-October
Tas: October
NSW: October-November